Monday, 2 June 2008

- Senator Craig Re-Explains Upturned Hand; Says He Was Panhandling

Senator Craig Re-Explains Upturned Hand; Says He Was Panhandling
by: Tom Attea

Senator Larry Craig has re-explained why his palm was turned up.

He is said to have told reporters, “Originally, I said I was picking up a piece of paper. But now I confess. I was panhandling. You see, I left my wallet at home.”

A reported asked why he changed his story.

“To tell you the truth, until now, I’ve been ashamed to tell the truth. You see, I’d never want anybody to think a US Senator would have to beg for money, especially in an airport restroom. But the truth is, I was hungry, I was broke, and I wanted a Big Mac.”

When the arresting officer was informed of the Senator’s new explanation, he said, “His hand was definitely in a position where he wanted me to drop something in it. But I didn’t hear him say, ‘Brother, can you spare a dime?’”

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